Color Identification is a simple application for recognize color names. The application provides HTML (CSS color), the RGB designation and RAL code of the checked area.

Color identification involves recognizing and naming colors based on their visual characteristics. This can be achieved using various tools and techniques, such as:

  1. Human Perception: Identifying colors based on what the human eye sees. This is subjective and can vary slightly from person to person.
  2. Color Matching Systems: Utilizing systems like Pantone or RAL, which standardize colors with specific codes.
  3. Digital Tools:
    • Color Pickers: Software tools that allow users to select colors from a digital palette.
    • Image Analysis: Using software to analyze an image and identify the colors within it.
    • Hex/RGB Codes: Using hexadecimal (hex) or RGB (red, green, blue) values to precisely identify colors.
  4. Color Identification Apps: Mobile apps that can identify colors in real-time using the phone's camera.